Giza EmPiRe ★ [USKO CZ] ★ [Juraid-BDW-1VS1] ★ [DM-Chaos Stone] ★ [Rival] ★

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9 Aralık 2013
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Droplara Düzenli Bir Şekilde Shell Konuldu.

Chitin Shell Pads (+5)

Chitin Shell Pauldron (+5)

Chitin Shell Gauntler (+5)

Chitin Shell Boots (+5)

Chitin Shell Helmet (+5),

Olarak ayrı monsterlara konuldu.

Monsterlar Cz Eklendi..

Armor ve Silah Upgrade :+5 e Kadar % 100.

[+5] > [+6] = %75

[+6] > [+7] = %60

[+7] > [+8] = %30

[+8] > [+9] = %1

[+9] > [+10] = %0

Taki Upgrade Orani :


[+1] > [+2] = %30

+3,+4,+5 Upgrade edilmemektedir.


Rogue Başlangıç İtem:

# +8 Rogue Full Plate Set

# Dual Elf Ring (+0)

# Belt of Dexterity (+0)

# Black Dragon Necklace (+0)

# Dual Rogue Earning (+0)

# 1500 Buff, 300 Ac, Attack Scroll

# Dual +4 Shard


Warrior Başlangıç İtem:

# +8 Warrior Full Plate Set

# Dual Diamond Ring (+0)

# Belt of Str (+0)

# White Dragon Necklace (+0)

# Dual Warrior Earning (+0)

# 1500 Buff, 300 Ac, Speed Up Potion, Attack Scroll

# +4 Raptor

# +6 Totemic Spear

# +8 Plate Shield


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Mage Başlangıç İtem:

# +8 Mage Paper Set [Hp]

# Dual Ruby Ring (+0)

# Mana Belt (+0)

# Amulet of Goddess (+0)

# Dual Mage Earning (+0)

# İnventory’de +8 Paper hazırlandı (Str,Mp)

# Ayrıca İnvetoryde +8 Crystal Set Hazır [HP Basılı]

# +8 Salamander ve Wood Staff

# Tüm Skill Kağıtları, Ve 35 Kağıtları

# 1500 Buff, 300 Ac, Speed Up Potion, Attack Scroll


Priest Başlangıç İtem:

# +8 Priest Fabric Set (Str)

# İnventory’de +8 Priest Fabric Set (Hp Basılı)

# İnventory’de +8 Priest Full Plate Set Bulunmaktadır (Hp,Str)

# Dual Ruby ve Diamond Ring (+0)

# Belt of Life ve Belt of Streng (+0)

# Amulet of Goddess ve White Dragon Necklace (+0)

# Dual Warrior Earning (+0)

# +8 Plate Shield, +8 Priest Cracket (Üstünde)

# +8 Totemic Clup (İnventory de)

# 1500 Buff, 300 Ac, Speed Up Potion, Attack Scroll


Drop List:

Colony Zone Dropları:

Ego: Cold-Hearted Dagger(+5) %15, Drop oranı %40

Glutton: Stone Splitter(+5) %15, Drop oranı %45

Wratch: Spear of Murky Waters(+5) %15, Drop oranı %50

Envy: Chitin,Enion Bow ve Eagle’s Eye (+5) %20, Drop oranı %60

Lust: Silver Bar %35, Drop oranı %65

Greed: Silver Bar %45, Drop oranı %74

Krowaz: Krowaz İTemler (+5) %3

[Kafalık Shell] : Chitin Shells Helmet +5

[Gögüslük Shell] : Chitin Shells Pauldront +5

[Donluk Shell] : Chitin Shells Pads +5

[Kolluk Shell] : Chitin Shells Gauntlet +5

[Ayaklık Shell] : Chitin Shells Bootst +5

EMC – Luferson – Eslant

Blood Doon: Dd ve defans item grupları %10

Harpy : Mirage Dagger +5

Troll : Glave +5

Apostle : Salamander Staff +5Lamia : Full Plate Armors +5

Lamiros : Full Plate Armors +5

Stone Golem : Chitin Armors +5

Giant Golem : Chitin Armors +5

Titan : Chitin Armors +5

Dark Mare:,Gold Bar (%15)

Dread Mare: Gold Bar (%25)

Death Mare: Gold Bar (%30)

Centaur : Shard +5

Manticore : Elixir +5

Lamentation : Mirage Sword +5Evil Wizard : Exceptional Itemler (+5)

Doom Soldier : Exceptional Itemler (+5)

Apostle of Flames : Exceptional Itemler (+5)

Apostle of Piercing Cold : Exceptional Itemler (+5)

Troll Shaman : Exceptional İtemler (+5)

Dark Knight : Exceptional Itemler (+5)

Chipotera : Exceptional Itemler (+5)

Boslar ve Drop Oranları:Volcanic Rock: İron Necklace; İron Belt,Ring of Courage (+0) (%15)

Felankor: Karma İtemler Eklendi (15), Ring Of Felankor (+1) (%5)

Ultima: İron Belt,İron Necklace,Roc (%2)

Atilla = +1 Priest pendant / Warrior Pendant / Elemental Pendant (+1) %25

Bone Collecter: Skull Hammer (+5) %100, Gold Bar %55

Kekurikekukaka: Kekuri Ring,Kekuri Belt (+1) %100

Samma = Giga (+5) %40

Troll King = Unique Küpe (+1) %25

Harpy Quen =Unique Küpe (+1) %40

Dragon Tooth = Dragon tooth hammer(+5) %75

Deruvish Founder: Unique Ring (+1) %85

Snake Queen = Unique ‘Necklace-Amulet’s (+1) %25

Talos: Unique Belt’ler (+1,) %30, İron Belt ve Glass Belt %5

Lycaon: Lycaon Staff (+5) %30, Lycaon Hammer(+5) %70, Lycaon Pendant(+5) %50

Barrkk: Tooth (+5) %100

Barkirra: Sword of Beast (+5) %50

Shaula: Scorpion Shield (+0) %40, Chitin Bow (+5) %35

Lesath: Chitin Shield (+0) %20,

Bach: Ring of Life (+1) %20



Javana: Gigantic Axe (+5) %80

Samma: Gigantic Axe (+5) %40



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